


2014-7-7 14:42发布者: 中青留学 浏览次数: 380

香港中文大学(Chinese University of Hong Kong, CUHK) MBA招生咨询会将分别于7月19日在上海新天地朗廷酒店、7月20日在北京王府半岛酒店举行。如果你计划2015年付香港中文大学攻读工商管理硕士,就赶紧报名参加吧!

CUHK MBA Programs

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

“Meet CUHK MBA Admission Director and Alumni

Shanghai (Jul 19, Saturday) and Beijing (Jul 20, Sunday)”

  Occupying a uniquely advantageous position in the heart of Asia and as the gateway to China, CUHK offers you invaluable insights to the Mainland China like no others. Our rigorous and well-structured theoretical teachings arm you with unrivaled breadth and depth of knowledge; whereas the diversified practical learning experiences pave the doorway to the ever-changing world.

  You are cordially invited to join us at our Info Session and Alumni Sharing Event in Shanghai (Jul 19, Sat), and Beijing (Jul 20, Sun). In this session, our Administrative Director (Marketing and Student Recruiting) Mr. Lawrence Chan will give you a brief introduction of our Programs, and alumni will share with you their MBA experience at CUHK

  Details of event:

  CUHK MBA Info Session and Alumni Sharing in Shanghai

  Date: July 19 (Saturday)

  Time: 14:30 – 16:00 (registration starts at 14:00)

  Venue: Shanghai Xintiandi Langham Hotel | 上海新天地朗廷酒店

               99 Madang Rd, Huangpu, Shanghai, China


  Fee: FREE of charge

  Event agenda and online registration: 


  CUHK MBA Info Session and Alumni Sharing in Beijing

  Date: July 20 (Sunday)

  Time: 14:30 – 16:00 (registration starts at 14:00)

  Venue: The Peninsular Beijing | 王府半岛酒店

               8 Jinyu Hutong, Dongcheng, Beijing, China


  Fee: FREE of charge

  Event agenda and online registration: 


  For enquiries, please contact:

  Phone: 852-3943-7782

  Email: cumba@cuhk.edu.hk