


2016-5-18 17:25发布者: 中青留学 浏览次数: 609






  Warm up 热身

  Cool down Work out 锻炼

  Get in shape 保持体形

  Keep fit 保持身体健康,健美

  Push-ups 俯卧撑

  Sit- ups 仰卧起坐

  Pull-ups 引体向上

  Squats 深蹲

  Crunches 局部仰卧起坐

  Cardio (Cardiovascular) 有氧运动

  Running 跑步

  Circuit training 循环训练

  Inhale/Exhale 吸气/呼气



  Abs or abdominal muscles 腹肌

  Heart rate 心率

  Bicep 二头肌

  Triceps 三头肌

  Quadriceps 四头肌

  Joint 关节

  Dehydration 脱水



  Aerobics exercises 有氧运动

  Muscular-strengthening exercises 增肌运动

  Low impact exercises 低强度运动

  High impact exercises 高强度运动

  Aerobics exercises


  Fitness Profile/Assessment 健康体侧

  Exercise machine 器械

  Personal trainer 私人教案

  Gym member 健身房会员


  Treadmill 跑步机

  Elliptical Machine 椭圆仪

  Step Stepper 台阶器

  Stationary Bike 固定式脚踏车

  Rowing Machine 划船机

  Weights 负重物

  Lockers 储物柜

  Weights Rack 举重架

  Punching Bag 沙包

  Exercise Ball 健身球

  Barbell 杠铃

  Dumbbell 哑铃

  Exercise Ball


  Aerobics 有氧运动

  Pilates 普拉提

  Jogging 慢跑

  Yoga 瑜伽

  Zumba 尊巴

  Judo 柔道

  Karate 空手道

  Dancing 舞蹈

  Lifting weights 举重


  Sign up 报名

  Discount 打折

  Membership card 会员卡

  Weekly/monthly membership 周卡/月卡

  Join a gym/class 参加健身房或健身班

  Opening hours 开放时间


  Calorie 卡路里

  Metabolism 新陈代谢

  Digestive System 消化系统

  Energy 能量

  Nutrients 营养

  Proteins 蛋白质

  Carbohydrates (Carbs) 碳水化合物

  Fats 动植物油

  Fiber 纤维

  Vitamins 维他命

  Organic 有机的

  Appetite 食欲

  Gain/put on weight 增重

  Lose weight 减肥

  Watch your figure 注意身材

  Count the calories 计算卡路里

  Cut down on 减少某个食物的摄入

  Eat sensibly 合理饮食


  Slim 苗条的

  Fit 健美的

  Thin 纤瘦的

  Fat 胖

  Chubby 微胖

  Overweight 超重

  Obese 肥胖


  In a bad shape 糟糕的身材状态

  He is in a very bad shape after his breakup.

  In a good shape 良好的身材状态

  She is in a surprisingly good shape after her pregnancy.

  Bag of bones 极其纤瘦

  Wow! Jane doesn’t need to go to the gym anymore, she’s already a bag of bones.

  Full of beans 充满生机的、有活力的

  Mary is always full of beans! I love that about her.

  Fit as a fiddle 身心都处于特别健康的状态

  If you want to be fit as a fiddle, you need to work out and eat healthy.

  Prime of one’s life 身体健康最黄金时期

  She’s 75 years old, but she’s in the prime of her life!

  Ready to drop 到此为止

  I was working out for three hours today; I’m ready to drop now.

  Recharge one’s batteries 中场休息

  Okay, let’s go and recharge our batteries, before night shift.

  Spare tire “游泳圈”-腰上的赘肉

  I realized that I have a spare tire, and I really need to get in shape.

  Work out 健身

  My mother works out every day for an hour.

  Pump iron 举重

  He has huge muscles. It’s all because he only pumps iron in the gym.

  Have a sweet tooth 喜好甜食

  Jenny always had a sweet tooth, and she can’t do anything about it.

  Crash diet 速成节食

  If you want to lose 15 kilos in three weeks, you need to be on a crash diet.

  To stuff your face 狼吞虎咽

  Jack, please don’t stuff your face with chips and coke.



  A: Hi Brenda! You look great. Have you been working out?

  B: Thanks, Alice. Yes, I needed to get in shape.

  A: You are always trying to keep fit. Good for you.Can you suggest a good way to work out?

  B: Well, first always remember to warm up before exercising, and cool down after exercising.

  A: Okay. Are cardio exercises, like running, good for a warm up?

  B: Yes, but you do not want to increase your heart rate too fast, so maybe start out slow.

  A: Got it! Any suggestions for abs workout?

  B: Try to do different things – do sit-ups, pull-ups, push-ups and squats. A little bit of everything.

  A: Thanks. Hopefully, I’ll get in shape soon.




